Spilled Ink
January 2024
Catch up on all the latest publishing news and what’s new at Journey Institute Press.
Inside the Press
It’s been a busy time of year for JIP. The end of 2023 saw us rushing to get author releases through the busy holiday print cycle and now we’re busy finishing up Q4 Royalty payments to send to our authors.
2024 is already looking to be our biggest publishing year to date with 9 authors already lined up to publish and one or two more coming as well as multiple authors launching new versions of their books in paperback/eBook/Kindle and even audiobooks.

2023 Book Catalog
You can see all of our authors work, including those that were published in 2023 and years prior in our book catalog.
New program from IngramSpark for US Authors – Share and Sell
The new program from IngramSpark allows authors to sell books for order directly from the printer cutting the distribution costs down and giving more royalties back to authors.
Learn more here: https://www.ingramspark.com/e-commerce
If you are a JIP Author and want links to use to sell your books contact us and we will create them for you.

We launched our first Author Audiobook and have other authors working on audio versions of their books now.
Here is an interesting article about the launch of Spotify into the audiobook world. Some interesting things to note from the article if you don’t have access to the NYT:
- Spotify now has the 2nd largest market share ahead of Apple and behind Audible
- The audiobook market in the US grew 28% in the 4th quarter of 2023
- For certain genres (self-help and celebrity memoirs) audio sales can match or exceed print sales.

Dave Krepcho
We are excited to have signed a new author to the Journey Institute Press family in May: Dave Krepcho.
Dave had an illustrious career of over thirty years in the food bank industry. Beginning in 1992 as the Executive Director of the Miami Food Bank and went on to work for Feeding America in Chicago, the nation’s largest hunger relief organization. He was responsible for developing national programs designed to obtain more food for the 205-member food banks across the United States.
His upcoming book will seek to break the stereotypes and misconceptions that are widely held about hunger and a comprehensive look at the past, present, and future of this problem.