We are the storytellers
Giving ordinary people access to the elite world of publishing. Journey Institute Press is a non-profit publishing house that focuses on telling the stories that otherwise would not be told with a focus on women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ authors.

A Note from the Publisher
Who we are as a publisher
Click to read an interview with our publisher on our purpose before profit publishing model and the benefits of running a purpose-driven business

Joey’s Journey
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Authors for Authors
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What makes Journey Institute Press different?

Journey Institute Press is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization created by Authors. Our goal is to create a truly Author-Focused Publishing House that provides the resources, tools, and support to help Authors succeed.
Our no-upfront-cost approach, while providing best in class editing and resources, means we rely on your generous support.
Each donation is put towards the editing and publishing costs for an author to help give voice to their work.
Contact Us
If you would like information about our work in the Journey Institute or Journey Institute Press, our authors, ordering books in bulk, or questions about our publishing model, please use the form below. We will endeavor to reply as quickly as possible.