Author Goals Getting clear about what and why
Writing and publishing are all part of an author’s journey. They are, however, two different components of the process and have different reasons, expectations, and goals.
As an author, you have different reasons, goals, and expectations for writing your book than you do with the publication of it. It is important to get a clear understanding of your goals and expectations when it comes to your book.
Publishing a book is far more than putting pages together beneath a cover. The old adage of ‘if you build it, they will come’ may have worked in the Field of Dreams movie, but not in publishing. You need to understand your goals both for writing your book and for what you hope to achieve in publishing it.
The questions below will help you, and us, better understand those goals.
There are no right or wrong answers. Nor should you expect to resonate with every possible opportunity reflected in the questions. Authors are as unique as their books and there is no one size fits all. The purpose here is to help find out what will work best for you.
In gratitude,
The Journey Institute Press Team