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2021 Videos

Session 1

What if Schools Are The Source of Trauma? | Rosemarie Allen

The Power of 5 Minutes for Youth Mental Health | Tessa Zimmerman

Industry and Education: A Match Made in Disruption | Kellie Lauth

Reduce. Reuse. Rethink. | Maya Ayres

The Burden of Busyness | Khara Croswaite Brindle

Engineering Creativity On Demand | Nancy Henson

How Vulnerability Unleashes Freedom | Haley Skiko

Lean Into Empathy | Louisa Rocque | TEDxCherryCreekWomen

Honoring Your Ancestors Through Your Voice | Ashley Cornelius

Session 2

A Pediatric Mental Health State of Emergency is no gimmick | Heidi Baskfield

Normalize Mental Health | Andrea LeClaire & Amelia LeClaire

"Laughter is NOT the best medicine," says comedian | Mimi Hayes

The secret to raising conscious world citizens | Sushmita Kirkland

Longevity: Aging Crisis or Golden Opportunity? | Kelly O'Connor

Shedding and Carrying to Step Into New Leadership | Deepa Purushothaman

Entrepreneurship: The Key to Women's Equality | Ali Hill

Ending Sexual Assault - The Best Defense is A Good Offense | Michelle Gay