Michael Jai Grant is an American fiction writer, filmmaker and photographer. He was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Guided by the forces of justice and reason, he creatively weaves semi-autobiographical details into enhanced stories of greater import. He attended Syracuse and Boston Universities and was named an Eastman Kodak Scholar. An avid traveler and friend to all dogs, he lives in North Stamford, Connecticut with his husband, the artist Jon Galt.
Grant’s new novel explores people’s inclination to do the wrong things for the right reasons. He writes a provocative and spirited journey that challenges our notions of dementia and elder care, sexuality, the difference between religion and spirituality, and the complex world of Teenagedom. At its core, it delves into themes of friendship, family, liberation, and the circuitous routes we all take to finding our way home.
The Limited Edition Bicentennial Cadillac Convertible Joy Ride
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